Quite Software will publish its new version of Hot Imposing for server based automated processing early May. The upgrade provides many new features, here are some highlights for power users:
Highlights Quite Hot Imposing 4.0
- Stick on Text and Numbers now allows your choice of embedded fonts, colours and rotation, plus Undo.
- New Stick On PDF Pages function to stick on PDF pages (graphics, adverts, stamps, marks etc.)
- Insert pages or blanks at intervals, for example to add fixed backs. Can be used to merge files.
- Manual imposition can repeat a layout to a large number of pages and can automatically position pages as fronts/backs.
- Smart crop marks which will not overlap.
- Adjust page sizes by a percentage rather than to a fixed size.
- Set all pages the same size without knowing size in advance.
- Trim & shift/creep now have the advanced option to keep bleed margins.
Redesigned main screen:

Quite Hot Imposing 4